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Eleventy starter with super powers.



Simple static site generation

  1. Nunjucks templating
  2. Build-in utilities
  3. Integrated workflow


Integrated development packages

  1. Sass framework
  2. Linting with git hooks
  3. PWA integration


API intregation to fetch content

  1. Scalable content structure
  2. Build intregration
  3. Auto-deploy webhook


Deploy your website with ease

  1. Auto deploy pipeline
  2. JAMstack ready
  3. Free hosting tier


Progressive Web App

Site that took all the right vitamines

  1. Fast and Reliable
  2. Installable
  3. PWA optimized

Modern build workflow

Compiles all your assets through Eleventy

  1. HTML minification
  2. JS bundling with WebPack
  3. SVG Icon Sprite Generation

Opinionated code style

Understandable, scannable and consistent code

  1. Stylelint for CSS
  2. ESlint for JS
  3. Prettier formatting